#1: I Am Starting From Ground Zero

I’ve decided to start ‘The Marketing Notebook’ and this newsletter to help small business owners and solo-entrepreneurs. To share effective marketing strategies to acquire new customers consistently like the daily sunrise and sunset.

It can be confusing to know what to do. Especially, if you’re someone who is transitioning from a full-time employee to an entrepreneur.

I remember sitting around not knowing what to do to get new customers.

You’re stuck in an internal debate. If I do X will it lead to Y. You’re uncertain about the pathway to take. Or you’re looking in a certain direction when you should be looking in 3 different directions.

Over the last 10 years, I have worked with different projects and clients.

I’ve launched winning campaigns. And I have also launched campaigns that failed. I’ve made the right moves. And I have also made many mistakes.

I will not dare say that I know everything.

I’m just here to share the experience and knowledge that I’ve had over the last 10 years. And also to share new experiences, new experiments and new observations.

Why do I want to do this?

  1. Because I want to make a small impact and add value to people. When we have to leave this world, there is nothing that we can take with us. No dollar bills, no possessions, nothing. Therefore, I feel there’s more meaning to life by focusing on the value that I can impart to people around me or to the coming generation.

  2. Because marketing is exciting. There is always an adrenaline rush whenever you see or feel the results of your efforts. When the notification bell rings because of a new incoming inquiry or a new sale. Not forgetting, the interesting marketing case studies of successful campaigns. It never fails to fascinate. To uncover the strategies behind the success. To dissect what made it successful.

The Exciting Journey Ahead

It will be exciting to look back on this first newsletter a year or two from now.

Our social media channels are also newly created as we start from ground zero.

This is a screenshot of our Instagram Profile with 0 posts and 0 followers:

It will be really interesting to see where this journey leads us.

A Cocktail of Emotions

Launching or starting anything will always give you a mix of emotions.

A mix of excitement, nervousness, fear and so on. It’s normal!

If you’re about to launch a digital marketing campaign, you’ll definitely feel some level of doubt.

You’ll constantly ask yourself, “Am I doing it right?”

I remember clicking around the computer screen aimlessly when I first started.

The flood of information everywhere on the screen was extremely confusing.

Well, I’m here to help you feel differently.

To skip the confusion, give you inspiration and the confidence to execute.

What We’ll Talk About

Through the website content and through the ‘Amplify Newsletter’, we will talk about topics around:

  • Digital Marketing
  • Copywriting
  • Marketing Psychology
  • Performance marketing vs brand marketing
  • Growth hacking tips
  • Interesting experiments & results
  • Our own observations of other brand marketing campaigns and applicable learning lessons
  • Fueling Word of mouth marketing and etc
  • I hope to give you clarity as you spend your time here on The Marketing Notebook.

To provide the clarity you need to know how to grow your business as a small business owner or a solo entrepreneur.

See you next Tuesday.

Keep moving forward,
Glen Tiew
The Marketing Notebook

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