Confidently Create Marketing Systems That Acquire New Customers Consistently Like the Constant Sunrise & Sunset Through Automation.

The Amplify Newsletter

80% of marketing campaigns get ignored. Subscribe to the ‘Amplify Newsletter’ and get insights to stand out in the sea of competition! Join my weekly newsletter and spark a growth momentum.

Why I Started The Marketing Notebook

Many marketing & business growth strategies can appear to be only meant for companies with unlimited budgets.

As such, small business owners get chained up in confusion & end up growing slowly. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Hello. I’m Glen. I believe that Marketing & growing a business is like martial arts. You may encounter an opponent that is far bigger than you but you’re able to bring them down by using their own weight, momentum and size against them. In short, “Technique is always…

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Your Growth Today

The D.A.D. Formula

The 3 key steps that you can take as a small business owner to grow your business successfully and get your first 50 customers.

Evoke 5

Learn about the top 5 copywriting elements your website must have to turn skeptical strangers into excited buyers.

The Amplify Newsletter

Get marketing and business growth insights to grow your customer base consistently week after week.  to consistently spark a growth momentum. Plus, important learning lessons from real-world winning growth strategies.

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